Interactive Online Tutoring Services

April 8, 2010

Belgium student doing well

Filed under: student updates,Tutoring — Rob @ 7:50 pm

My student from Belgium is doing well in advanced functions and also calculus. He may need my help with some physics later on in the month.

April 5, 2010

New student

Filed under: student updates,Tutoring — Rob @ 7:30 pm

I have a new student. She is a teacher in the United States looking to upgrade her skills so she can teach a higher grade level. We connected okay. I am going over some sample questions she might be asked on a multiple choice test.

April 2, 2010

new student doing well

Filed under: student updates,Tutoring — Rob @ 5:20 pm

My student by telephone has turned into an online student. We connected the computers okay and now are trying to get the audio perfected so she doesn’t have to dial long distance.

She is getting 92% on her homework and 74% on her tests.

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