Interactive Online Tutoring Services

July 21, 2009

Advantages of distance education for adults

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 6:23 pm

In the past, adults who took advantage of distance education programs were referred to as non-traditional students. Today this term no longer applies, because distance education is part of most college and university programs to meet demand. Every year more and more degree programs are being offered for those who want to continue their education.

Individual Advantages of Distance Education
The advantages for individuals in this education alternative method for learning for adults include:

•Courses for those with time limitations for various reasons.
•Flexibility to study in any convenient location with an Internet connection.
•More opportunities to study the most current material available.
•Flexibility for those with irregular work schedules.
•Study materials at own speed, without having to wait for slower pace of the average classroom or being overwhelmed in fast paced classroom.
•Those with physical challenges which prevent attendance.

Technology Advantages of Distance Education

Many adults, when thinking about enrolling in distance education, wonder if they will receive the same level of teaching and learning opportunities as traditional education. The answer is yes, because course requirements are not reduced and they have plenty of opportunity to interact with their instructor. Communication is typically accomplished through the use of a range of technological options, all of which take advantage of anyone’s specific situation, such as:

•Voice – audio tools include the interactive technologies of telephone and video/audio conferencing (one-way or two-way video with two-way audio).
•Video – video tools include still images, pre-produced videos (film and videotape), and real-time videos combined with audio conferencing.
•Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) – uses computers as a teaching tool to present individual lessons.
•Computer-Managed Instruction (CMI) – uses computers to organize and deliver instruction using the Internet has the prime method of delivery.
•Real-time computer conferencing
•Internet applications
•Web-based resources such as online textbooks, study guides, workbooks, syllabi, case studies, reading resources, and more.

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