General Math Concept Sharing
General Math Concept Sharing
For Concept Sharing we needed to start with sharing numbers. The idea is to form sharing concepts. For this we need these new numbers, to be specific so that we can start with certain mathematical systems.
In mathematics, concepts are mental constructions. They are ideas like shadows with boundaries. They can be thought of like points. The foundation of mathematics is based on concepts. Here then we need to find a new, extended foundation.
We can concept share a point since two items of no extent will still have no extent, but there could be two items here.
So similarly numbers, as we have seen, points, sets, groups, ect. Can all concept share.
In order to do this we must remove the concept which is present initially and replace it with 2 or more sharing concepts. Since it is possible to share concepts there must exist a more underlying concept space.
The two sharing concepts must be different in some way which we can specify based on the nature of the concept itself.
Then an infinite level concept space can form as I can continue into the next level of the concept and so on. One may utilize as many levels as is necessary.
Additionally there can be a finite number, an infinite countable number of an infinite uncountable number of sharing concepts, as this is the understanding of numbers.