Interactive Online Tutoring Services

July 21, 2009

Advantages of distance education for adults

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 6:23 pm

In the past, adults who took advantage of distance education programs were referred to as non-traditional students. Today this term no longer applies, because distance education is part of most college and university programs to meet demand. Every year more and more degree programs are being offered for those who want to continue their education.

Individual Advantages of Distance Education
The advantages for individuals in this education alternative method for learning for adults include:

•Courses for those with time limitations for various reasons.
•Flexibility to study in any convenient location with an Internet connection.
•More opportunities to study the most current material available.
•Flexibility for those with irregular work schedules.
•Study materials at own speed, without having to wait for slower pace of the average classroom or being overwhelmed in fast paced classroom.
•Those with physical challenges which prevent attendance.

Technology Advantages of Distance Education

Many adults, when thinking about enrolling in distance education, wonder if they will receive the same level of teaching and learning opportunities as traditional education. The answer is yes, because course requirements are not reduced and they have plenty of opportunity to interact with their instructor. Communication is typically accomplished through the use of a range of technological options, all of which take advantage of anyone’s specific situation, such as:

•Voice – audio tools include the interactive technologies of telephone and video/audio conferencing (one-way or two-way video with two-way audio).
•Video – video tools include still images, pre-produced videos (film and videotape), and real-time videos combined with audio conferencing.
•Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) – uses computers as a teaching tool to present individual lessons.
•Computer-Managed Instruction (CMI) – uses computers to organize and deliver instruction using the Internet has the prime method of delivery.
•Real-time computer conferencing
•Internet applications
•Web-based resources such as online textbooks, study guides, workbooks, syllabi, case studies, reading resources, and more.

July 16, 2009

Adult learning

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 3:41 pm

By Ron and Susan Zemke
Innovation Abstracts Vol VI, No 8, March 9, 1984

A variety of sources provides us with a body of fairly reliable knowledge about adult learning. This knowledge might be divided into three basic divisions: things we know about adult learners and their motivation, things we know about designing curriculum for adults, and things we know about working with adults in the classroom. 
Motivation to Learn
  1. Adults seek out learning experiences in order to cope with specific life-changing events–e.g., marriage, divorce, a new job, a promotion, being fired, retiring, losing a loved one, moving to a new city.
  2. The more life change events an adult encounters, the more likely he or she is to seek out learning opportunities. Just as stress increases as life-change events accumulate, the motivation to cope with change through engagement in a learning experience increases.
  3. The learning experiences adults seek out on their own are directly related – at least in their perception – to the life-change events that triggered the seeking.
  4. Adults are generally willing to engage in learning experiences before, after, or even during the actual life change event. Once convinced that the change is a certainty, adults will engage in any learning that promises to help them cope with the transition.
  5. Adults who are motivated to seek out a learning experience do so primarily because they have a use for the knowledge or skill being sought. Learning is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
  6. Increasing or maintaining one’s sense of self-esteem and pleasure are strong secondary motivators for engaging in learning experiences.
Curriculum Design
  1. Adult learners tend to be less interested in, and enthralled by, survey courses. They tend to prefer single concept, single-theory courses that focus heavily on the application of the concept to relevant problems. This tendency increases with age.
  2. Adults need to be able to integrate new ideas with what they already know if they are going to keep – and use – the new information.
  3. Information that conflicts sharply with what is already held to be true, and thus forces a re-evaluation of the old material, is integrated more slowly.
  4. Information that has little “conceptual overlap” with what is already known is acquired slowly.
  5. Fast-paced, complex or unusual learning tasks interfere with the learning of the concepts or data they are intended to teach or illustrate.
  6. Adults tend to compensate for being slower in some psychomotor learning tasks by being more accurate and making fewer trial-and-error ventures.
  7. Adults tend to take errors personally and are more likely to let them affect self-esteem. Therefore, they tend to apply tried-and-true solutions and take fewer risks.
  8. The curriculum designer must know whether the concepts or ideas will be in concert or in conflict with the learner. Some instruction must be designed to effect a change in belief and value systems.
  9. Programs need to be designed to accept viewpoints from people in different life stages and with different value “sets.”
  10. A concept needs to be “anchored” or explained from more than one value set and appeal to more than one developmental life stage.
  11. Adults prefer self-directed and self-designed learning projects over group-learning experiences led by a professional, they select more than one medium for learning, and they desire to control pace and start/stop time.
  12. Nonhuman media such as books, programmed instruction and television have become popular with adults in recent years.
  13. Regardless of media, straightforward how-to is the preferred content orientation. Adults cite a need for application and how-to information as the primary motivation for beginning a learning project.
  14. Self-direction does not mean isolation. Studies of self-directed learning indicate that self-directed projects involve an average of 10 other people as resources, guides, encouragers and the like. But even for the self-professed, self-directed learner, lectures and short seminars get positive ratings, especially when these events give the learner face-to-face, one-to-one access to an expert.
In the Classroom
  1. The learning environment must be physically and psychologically comfortable; long lectures, periods of interminable sitting and the absence of practice opportunities rate high on the irritation scale.
  2. Adults have something real to lose in a classroom situation. Self-esteem and ego are on the line when they are asked to risk trying a new behavior in front of peers and cohorts. Bad experiences in traditional education, feelings about authority and the preoccupation with events outside the classroom affect in-class experience.
  3. Adults have expectations, and it is critical to take time early on to clarify and articulate all expectations before getting into content. The instructor can assume responsibility only for his or her own expectations, not for those of students.
  4. Adults bring a great deal of life experience into the classroom, an invaluable asset to be acknowledged, tapped and used. Adults can learn well -and much – from dialogue with respected peers.
  5. Instructors who have a tendency to hold forth rather than facilitate can hold that tendency in check–or compensate for it–by concentrating on the use of open-ended questions to draw out relevant student knowledge and experience.
  6. New knowledge has to be integrated with previous knowledge; students must actively participate in the learning experience. The learner is dependent on the instructor for confirming feedback on skill practice; the instructor is dependent on the learner for feedback about curriculum and in-class performance.
  7. The key to the instructor role is control. The instructor must balance the presentation of new material, debate and discussion, sharing of relevant student experiences, and the clock. Ironically, it seems that instructors are best able to establish control when they risk giving it up. When they shelve egos and stifle the tendency to be threatened by challenge to plans and methods, they gain the kind of facilitative control needed to effect adult learning.
  8. The instructor has to protect minority opinion, keep disagreements civil and unheated, make connections between various opinions and ideas, and keep reminding the group of the variety of potential solutions to the problem. The instructor is less advocate than orchestrator.
  9. Integration of new knowledge and skill requires transition time and focused effort on application.
  10. Learning and teaching theories function better as resources than as a Rosetta stone. A skill-training task can draw much from the behavioral approach, for example, while personal growth-centered subjects seem to draw gainfully from humanistic concepts. An eclectic, rather than a single theory-based approach to developing strategies and procedures, is recommended for matching instruction to learning tasks.

The next five years will eclipse the last fifty in terms of hard data production on adult learning. For the present, we must recognize that adults want their learning to be problem-oriented, personalized and accepting of their need for self-direction and personal responsibility.

July 21, 2008

Online Tutoring

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 3:38 pm

The Benefits of Tutoring Online

July 14, 2008 – 9:29 am by GlobalScholar

Online tutoring started in the late 90s and has quickly expanded since then. Some remain skeptical of online learning and claim that it is less effective than face-to-face instruction. I admit, change can be a scary thing, but evolution is what makes the world live on, and often works out for the better.

Below I have compiled a list of the benefits of tutoring online.

 Saves time and money
Tutoring online will save you time and money commuting, since you can have the session from the comfort of your home. You can prepare for a session in 5 minutes and stay in your pajamas and slippers.

 Online tutoring costs are usually 30-40% less than face-to-face
Since tutors can accommodate a higher volume of students through online tutoring, they often charge less for their sessions. They also get to cut transportation out the equation and can send files and resources electronically for free.

 Easy access to subject specialists
Online tutoring also allows you to hire multiple tutors in different disciplines all from the same place, cutting out the hassle of going from agency to agency.

 Instant trouble-shooting – get help right away, when you need it
Say you need help with a complex math problem in advanced calculus, it is 10pm on a Tuesday night, you live in a remote farming community and you need to know how to solve it for your test the next day. Easy, connect with a tutor online anywhere in the country at any time. This is where online tutoring takes the cake and face-to-face tutoring just can’t compete.

 Security
The safety of online tutoring is far superior to that of face-to-face. First of all, no tutors have to come to your house and your children don’t have to travel from home to receive tutoring. No personal information needs to be exchanged and money transactions take place through a safe, encrypted connection.

 Great for shy students
Most children are shy about their tutoring needs and usually aren’t too eager to ask for help. Online tutoring makes it easier for shy children to asks questions and engage more in the conversation. That allows for more open channels of discussion and promotes and comfortable learning environment.

So there you have it, a list of reasons to try online tutoring. The only real difference between online and face-to-face tutoring is the medium. With the use of voice over Internet protocol, verbal communication is possible online. Pair that with file sharing abilities, interactive whiteboards and messaging and you’ve got the same abilities as you do face-to-face.

June 9, 2008

Motivation and Learning

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 7:42 pm

Motivation and Learning

How Do I Motivate Students?

As a teacher, it is essential that you keep your students motivated. Tutors have also been through the educational system as pupils and know the importance of an enjoyable and rewarding educational experience. You may have known this all your life, or it may have become clearer later, when you started tutoring. Regardless of your own experience, motivating your students will always be one of your most important targets.

All students show improved motivation when they understand the reason why they are doing something, especially if they can see a direct positive outcome from studying. It is sometimes important for students to see the bigger picture. If a student must study a topic which he/she finds difficult, for instance to achieve a career aspiration, it can be a good idea to highlight the direct applications and pragmatic uses of this subject in a future professional context. Not everyone likes to study for the sake of studying; often, allowing students to see direct benefits motivates them to study. This provides a positive feed back and sets a goal; the more they understand, the more they can see the benefits, the more they want to learn.

It might not be so straight forward with younger students, as they may not have a specific idea of what they want to do later on in life. This being said, personalities form themselves very early on, and it can be a good idea to show the benefits of studying certain subjects. Let them know early, no matter what job they aspire to do, almost all jobs will make you sit some sort of entrance exams, usually covering some basic mathematics and English skills. Many subjects overlap, doctors need to be good with sciences, scientists need a good foundation in Maths, Biologist need a good understanding of statistics, a professional translator really requires more than just two languages, Computer related jobs often requires good mathematics and logic skills). For younger students, immediate benefits, and short term goals provide a much better motivation mechanism. Fun, games, and laughter often work as good tools for teaching children; however they are never wasted on adults!

Motivation and Relevance

Studying has to be relevant to be motivating; creating this relevant link is part of the tutor’s job. Think of a student finding maths de-motivating because it’s “too hard” or “it’s useless in real life”. Yet at lunch time, he likes to go to the gambling shop and places a few bets. He works out the odds in just a few seconds, yet when it comes to doing percentages and fraction in lessons, he fails miserably. The problem is not that this student finds maths “too hard”, but rather that he cannot see the relevance and thus finds it boring. A bored mind is easily distracted, and a distracted mind finds everything hard: have you ever tried to read a book and watch the TV at the same time? It’s not easy, and the activity that requires the least effort but most fun is usually easier to focus on and understand. So try and adapt your lessons to be as relevant as possible to each pupil. Make your tuition easy to understand, and make it enjoyable.

Motivation and Terminology

Many academic subjects use a terminology: although there’s often no need to use complex words to understand these subjects, specific keywords are usually required by examiners. Academics within their own field often like to make things seem more complicated than they actually are, although this is not always compatible with good teaching practice. Try not to confuse new pupils straight away by throwing in too many complicated words; you are there to pass on your knowledge, not to show it off, however tempting it can be to “sound competent”. As the subject becomes more familiar, you can then link the concepts to the terminology required by the examiners. Later, show that the use of these keywords is important when answering exam papers, and indicates through example what the examiners are expecting.

– Understanding 1st makes it easy to learn,

– Making it easy to learn makes it enjoyable,

– Enjoyable lessons are motivational

– Motivational lessons make the pupils want to learn further

Avoid De-Motivation

There is nothing more de-motivating than consistently being incorrect and failing at a subject. Avoid anything that can negatively affect the learning process. If your student is giving incorrect answers, it is best to avoid asking them similar questions or insisting heavily on a topic which they are likely to get wrong. You can make the questions slightly easier and lead them in the right direction by giving them clues. It is also a good indication on what topics need more work. These measures will have a more positive effect on your students that anything that will highlight their failure.


Single Parent Homeschooling

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 6:46 pm

One of the more overwhelming challenges is that faced by a parent that wishes to take on practical home schooling, but doesn’t have a partner. For many in this situation, the requirement to earn adequate income to support both child and parent is vital.

But many single parents that are determined are able to find ways each year to home educate their children. The final results are typically worthwhile. A home tutored child will typically surpass their equals on similar tests and have a high rating on college admissions listings.

The initial issue is often related to time management. A well prepared parent soon discovers that they have more available time for practical home schooling than they might expect. That is typically true if you account for the actual tuition hours offered in a public school. In a school day, there’s a break between classes, lunch breaks, and a good deal of sitting about not doing much. By being certain that each hour counts at home can easily compensate.

A child can be left completely free to act on any topic that interests them, and at their individual pace. Or, they might be offered with guidance and resources to execute a great deal of individual study. The answers can be reviewed later on in the day and alterations made, if required.

Tutoring in a variety of styles is one more choice for a single parent that wishes to home school. Tutors can range from an in-house instructor to an online resource that’s entirely automated. The costs are likely to vary greatly, but a lot of tutors tend to cost less than full time day care. In some cases, a tutoring role can be combined with day care service.

Some single parents will opt to begin a home based business. Once you add up the expense of gasoline for the vehicle, full time day care, and the time spent on travelling back and forth, a home based business can often appear more cost effective. This does not even take into account the potential tax savings from additional write-offs.

With a small amount of creative thinking and fair measure of research, a single parent can discover the resources and time for practical home schooling their child. Both child and parent are likely to benefit significantly if they do.


May 11, 2008

What makes a great Tutor?

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 7:16 pm

Great tutors are made, not born. We can all recall a time when we stepped into a classroom and sighed in despair at the sight of a miserable teacher.  We can also recall the times we have been so excited about learning that we were bursting with enthusiasm and energy.  Whether it was the school play, the science fair, the contest for the best art project or the school’s literary magazine, we wanted to participate.  For many students, the first day of school is filled with anxious trepidation as they wait to see who their teachers will be for seven hours a day.  Will they get stuck with the noxious math maven, or will they get lucky and score the cool calculus contest-fixated instructor who continuously demonstrates that math is fascinating?

Online tutoring doesn’t have to be such a gamble!  An online teacher can make math, as well as many other subjects, fascinating, and students don’t even have to leave their laptop to experience a great lesson.

So how do you know when a private tutor is great?  Four critical components make for a great online tutor and an even better online tutoring experience for students.

First, great online tutors are content experts.  Whether calculus, algebra, biology or English is their area of specialty, they know it inside and out!

But being a subject matter expert doesn’t mean you know how to teach.  The second critical component that makes for great online tutors is their understanding of pedagogy.  Pedagogy is the science of teaching and learning.  It’s a fancy way of asking, “So, your Ph.D. is in chemistry, but do you know how a 10th grade brain learns?”  A great online tutor has been taught effective brain-compatible instructional techniques.  Great online tutors understand adult learning styles, and they know about such models as Multiple Intelligences and Dimensions of Learning.  Great online tutors also ask higher level thinking questions that effectively teach problem solving skills.  Effective instructional techniques can also include a well defined agenda, objectives and rules of engagement for each online learning session.

The third critical component that makes for great online tutors is the social element of teaching.  Learning isn’t always easy, and it’s important that every online tutor is trained in human development and the social aspects of learning.  Positive, constructive feedback and appropriate praise are vital to the learning process.  The right amount of challenge combined with encouragement can turn a boring online tutoring lesson into an exciting and fun learning experience.

The fourth critical component that makes for great online tutors is their technical role.  Whether guiding a student through quadratic equations or introducing a student to the basics of fractions, every online tutoring session should seamlessly utilize the online technology available today.  This may include whiteboard technology, chat capabilities, voice-over IP, and more.  There are multiple ways of communicating via the internet that enhance the online learning experience. Using online tutoring should be an easy and convenient way to get the tutoring you need, without feeling like a technological nightmare.

The next time you’re soliciting online tutoring services to make sure you get the benefits of tutoring you need, ask these questions:

1.  What is my online tutor’s subject matter expertise?

2.  Has my online tutor been trained or certified in effective instructional techniques?

3.  Does my online tutor utilize today’s most advanced technology to enhance my learning experience?

January 20, 2008

Article on Technology and Mathematics Instruction

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 9:27 am

The February 2002 issue of Teaching Children Mathematics (TCM) will focus on the role of technology in learning and teaching mathematics. Electronic technology is becoming more and more important in our society, and its use is being woven into the very fabric of new curriculum materials. The appropriate use of electronic technology should be an important part of students’ experiences with mathematics, both in school and outside of school.

The Technology Principle in the NCTM’s new Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (Reston, Va.: NCTM, 2000) emphasizes that technology plays an essential role in learning and teaching mathematics. Technology can help teachers teach in more effective and efficient ways; it can help students learn traditional topics more effectively; and it can help teachers, students, and parents assess students’ developing understanding and skills in mathematics. Technology can also provide access to mathematical topics and ideas that previously were not within the reach of students in the elementary grades.

Electronic technology is becoming more flexible, powerful, and easy to use. More powerful calculators and portable computers are rapidly erasing the distinctions between calculators and computers. Students have easy access through the Internet to a variety of resources and can share their experiences with students in other parts of the country and throughout the world. Electronic technology can also support the integration of mathematics with other subject areas.

The Editorial Panel wishes to highlight the appropriate uses of calculators, computers, the Internet, data probes, and other forms of electronic technology at the pre-K-6 levels of mathematics teaching and learning. We are looking for descriptions of successful and innovative uses of technology in the mathematics classroom, as well as articles that will give readers a rationale for using technology in mathematics instruction. Manuscripts that address related issues, such as technology and equity, are also welcome. The following list of topics and their related questions are intended to guide authors in preparing manuscripts to address one or more aspects of learning and teaching mathematics with technology at the pre-K-6 levels.

Implementing Technology in the Pre-K-6 Classroom

* What specific mathematical activities illustrate appropriate uses of technology?

* What general guidelines are appropriate for effectively using such technology as calculators, computers, and the Internet to explore mathematical ideas?

* What guidelines can help evaluate school or classroom use of technology or identify technologically rich learning environments?

* How can technology be integrated with other learning tools, such as manipulative materials, textbooks, and so on?

Technology and the Pre-K-6 Curriculum

* How is technology currently being integrated into curriculum materials?

* What impact might current and future technology have on future mathematics curricula?

* What new mathematical topics are made accessible through technology, or what mathematical topics are rendered less important because of technology?

* How can technology be used to integrate mathematics with other curricular areas?

* How can students gain access to real applications of mathematical ideas through the Internet and other technologies?

Technology and Mathematics Assessment

* How does, or can, assessment change when technology is used to teach and learn mathematics?

* What do students learn when they use technology in mathematics classrooms?

* How can technology facilitate teachers’ assessment of students’ understanding and skill development?

* How can technology help students be more successful on assessments at the local, state, and national levels?

Technology and Professional Development Issues

* What kinds of experiences do teachers need? What activities have been designed for teachers to help them learn how to use technology in the classroom?

* How can technology be used to address equity issues?

* How can technology be used to promote multidisciplinary instruction?

January 15, 2008

Online Tutoring Article

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 4:56 pm

The value of online tutoring can be broken down into a couple of different areas.  First and foremost is the convenience factor of online tutoring.  Online tutoring gives the student complete flexibility in when and where they receive their tutoring in whatever subject they might need help in.  For example, if I am a student and need calculus tutoring or earth science tutoring, I can contact an online tutoring company and schedule a session for the evening or the weekend hours.  It really does allow for complete flexibility.

The second reason someone would use an online tutor is for the anonymity of the process.  No one is going to sit here and tell you that tutoring is something that they want to do.  Tutoring is something that students need in order to do better in school.  Additionally, students who need tutoring do not necessarily want to have their friends and family know they need the extra help.  This is another area where online tutoring can be of value.  With online tutoring, you can get that extra help without anyone ever knowing it.  If you are an AP Calculus student, you can get the help you need and no one will ever be the wiser.  It truly is a valuable service from that aspect.

Another reason is that online tutoring is usually much more economical than traditional tutors in your hometown or city.  Typically, tutoring will run you anywhere from $45.00 to $60.00 per hour (on average).  In contrast, online tutoring will run usually just over $20.00 per hour.  For example, if I am a student who needs help in chemistry, and I know that I can get the help in chemistry for just $20.00, it might be worth it to me to schedule a session for that subject.

Certification and qualifications are also important factors when considering a tutor.  For instance, let’s imagine that you need an online chemistry tutor.  If you are a parent, or even if you are a student, it is a difficult decision to make whether or not the tutor you are considering paying for has the expertise to tutor chemistry concepts.  You have to ask yourself the question, “how do I know that this tutor is actually good at teaching me chemistry?”  It is a tough question and most people end up paying for someone who is not really that good at teaching.  In contrast, online tutoring companies and the tutors that work for them are usually certified in the subjects they teach.  Good online tutoring companies always make sure that their online tutors are trained and certified before they are ever allowed to teach.

Safety is always a big concern when dealing with service based businesses.  Online tutoring is no different, and a good online tutoring company will make sure that each tutor receives a background check before they are ever allowed to teach a subject with a given student.  Tutoring security also includes having some kind of recording capabilities to allow for each session which allows managers to make sure there are no malicious activities happening during the session with the child.

When you look at all of the factors involved, online tutoring really makes a lot of sense for students and parents alike.

January 7, 2008

Struggling with Math?

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 6:26 pm

Are you going to struggle with Math this year?

August 25, 2006

As the new school year is approaching, one thing is certain: Many students will struggle with their courses this year. As always, one of the most prominent areas of difficulty will be Mathematics.

It is not very difficult to understand why math is considered by most Canadian high-school and college students to be such a difficult subject. Math is a discipline that requires a basic foundation and a natural transition from core knowledge to more advanced concepts. However, the reality of North American education is that the transition rarely takes place naturally.

It is often the case that throughout elementary school and early High school, math is taught in a very disorganized fashion. While arithmetic gets more than its fair share of attention, intermediate core concepts are often glossed over by everyone except the very astute students. Only the dedicated students fill in the big education gaps in their spare time. What happens to the less dedicated students?

For other students, the true math difficulties begin in grades 11 and 12. At those levels, math transforms into a serious subject and cracks in the knowledge foundation begin to emerge. Those concepts that are natural extensions of what is considered to be basic mathematical abilities become difficult to grasp for many students.

As a result, many struggling students turn to a private math tutor for additional help, but this is often not a sure-fire path to better understanding. Most tutors have the ability to help students with their immediate areas of difficulty. However, only the more experienced tutors are able to detect true deficiencies in the students’ knowledge and fill in the gaps before concentrating on more complicated topics.

For those looking for a math tutor, it is very important to consider the tutor’s knowledge, experience, and approach, and not just the hourly rate. With math tutoring, like with anything else, you will often get exactly what you pay for.

In order to get the most out of tutoring, it is vitally important to establish specific short and long-term learning objectives early on. A good tutor will be able to use this information effectively in creating a structured learning progression, rather than concentrating on the irrelevant concepts.

January 6, 2008

Email Tutoring

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 9:03 am
When people think of additional school help for their child who is
struggling in math, they usually think of one-on-one private tutoring.
Private tutoring is a great way to get help for your struggling
child. The knowledge that a tutor brings to the table is not so important
as his ability to relate well to your child and to identify with
their source of difficulty. Even though private tutoring is the
way parents think they need to go, there are alternatives
such as email tutoring that can be a welcome help to your child.
The omnipresence of the computer and with online internet
service as ubiquitous as the telephone, email tutoring is
something that has come of age. Combine email tutoring
with the telephone, and you can now become a virtual tutor
capable of working with anyone across the country. Effective
email tutoring is the result of clearly defined questions
responded to with easy-to-understand answers. Critical to
effective email tutoring is a tutor with very strong written
communication skills. This is one area which I have worked hard
on throughout the years, and I attribute a lot of my success in
tutoring students—whether in person, on the telephone,
or via email—to my strong written and verbal communication skills.

Contact us today to get started