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April 10, 2023

Introduction to the completion of mathematics

Filed under: Mathematics,the completion of mathematics — Rob burchett @ 1:34 pm

In concept sharing we can state that there can be any number of concepts sharing a concept of concept space. Yet this can be specified before hand or it can be allowed to be two different numbers. This is because there is no way of telling from the outside, how many concepts are actually present. Unless we are told or told that there are more than one number and told these numbers.

If there are two numbers of concepts of concepts we can have an equivalence of numbers. Given a number of number of numbers. (2).

In this sense the “false” equations of mathematics ie. 1=2, 3=5, etc. have a solution using concept sharing.

What if I could show that the step by step way of understanding math must always be subjected to more steps? This would then change all math! There would be a need for a new “foundation”.

Then the way of understanding math would have to change. It could be understood as connected ideas, not dependent on absolute reduction.

This would then be a better, more complete way to understand it. This could still be precise, just taking into account all the other levels.

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