Interactive Online Tutoring Services

July 21, 2008

Online Tutoring

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 3:38 pm

The Benefits of Tutoring Online

July 14, 2008 – 9:29 am by GlobalScholar

Online tutoring started in the late 90s and has quickly expanded since then. Some remain skeptical of online learning and claim that it is less effective than face-to-face instruction. I admit, change can be a scary thing, but evolution is what makes the world live on, and often works out for the better.

Below I have compiled a list of the benefits of tutoring online.

 Saves time and money
Tutoring online will save you time and money commuting, since you can have the session from the comfort of your home. You can prepare for a session in 5 minutes and stay in your pajamas and slippers.

 Online tutoring costs are usually 30-40% less than face-to-face
Since tutors can accommodate a higher volume of students through online tutoring, they often charge less for their sessions. They also get to cut transportation out the equation and can send files and resources electronically for free.

 Easy access to subject specialists
Online tutoring also allows you to hire multiple tutors in different disciplines all from the same place, cutting out the hassle of going from agency to agency.

 Instant trouble-shooting – get help right away, when you need it
Say you need help with a complex math problem in advanced calculus, it is 10pm on a Tuesday night, you live in a remote farming community and you need to know how to solve it for your test the next day. Easy, connect with a tutor online anywhere in the country at any time. This is where online tutoring takes the cake and face-to-face tutoring just can’t compete.

 Security
The safety of online tutoring is far superior to that of face-to-face. First of all, no tutors have to come to your house and your children don’t have to travel from home to receive tutoring. No personal information needs to be exchanged and money transactions take place through a safe, encrypted connection.

 Great for shy students
Most children are shy about their tutoring needs and usually aren’t too eager to ask for help. Online tutoring makes it easier for shy children to asks questions and engage more in the conversation. That allows for more open channels of discussion and promotes and comfortable learning environment.

So there you have it, a list of reasons to try online tutoring. The only real difference between online and face-to-face tutoring is the medium. With the use of voice over Internet protocol, verbal communication is possible online. Pair that with file sharing abilities, interactive whiteboards and messaging and you’ve got the same abilities as you do face-to-face.

January 20, 2008

Article on Technology and Mathematics Instruction

Filed under: Tutoring,tutoring articles — Rob @ 9:27 am

The February 2002 issue of Teaching Children Mathematics (TCM) will focus on the role of technology in learning and teaching mathematics. Electronic technology is becoming more and more important in our society, and its use is being woven into the very fabric of new curriculum materials. The appropriate use of electronic technology should be an important part of students’ experiences with mathematics, both in school and outside of school.

The Technology Principle in the NCTM’s new Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (Reston, Va.: NCTM, 2000) emphasizes that technology plays an essential role in learning and teaching mathematics. Technology can help teachers teach in more effective and efficient ways; it can help students learn traditional topics more effectively; and it can help teachers, students, and parents assess students’ developing understanding and skills in mathematics. Technology can also provide access to mathematical topics and ideas that previously were not within the reach of students in the elementary grades.

Electronic technology is becoming more flexible, powerful, and easy to use. More powerful calculators and portable computers are rapidly erasing the distinctions between calculators and computers. Students have easy access through the Internet to a variety of resources and can share their experiences with students in other parts of the country and throughout the world. Electronic technology can also support the integration of mathematics with other subject areas.

The Editorial Panel wishes to highlight the appropriate uses of calculators, computers, the Internet, data probes, and other forms of electronic technology at the pre-K-6 levels of mathematics teaching and learning. We are looking for descriptions of successful and innovative uses of technology in the mathematics classroom, as well as articles that will give readers a rationale for using technology in mathematics instruction. Manuscripts that address related issues, such as technology and equity, are also welcome. The following list of topics and their related questions are intended to guide authors in preparing manuscripts to address one or more aspects of learning and teaching mathematics with technology at the pre-K-6 levels.

Implementing Technology in the Pre-K-6 Classroom

* What specific mathematical activities illustrate appropriate uses of technology?

* What general guidelines are appropriate for effectively using such technology as calculators, computers, and the Internet to explore mathematical ideas?

* What guidelines can help evaluate school or classroom use of technology or identify technologically rich learning environments?

* How can technology be integrated with other learning tools, such as manipulative materials, textbooks, and so on?

Technology and the Pre-K-6 Curriculum

* How is technology currently being integrated into curriculum materials?

* What impact might current and future technology have on future mathematics curricula?

* What new mathematical topics are made accessible through technology, or what mathematical topics are rendered less important because of technology?

* How can technology be used to integrate mathematics with other curricular areas?

* How can students gain access to real applications of mathematical ideas through the Internet and other technologies?

Technology and Mathematics Assessment

* How does, or can, assessment change when technology is used to teach and learn mathematics?

* What do students learn when they use technology in mathematics classrooms?

* How can technology facilitate teachers’ assessment of students’ understanding and skill development?

* How can technology help students be more successful on assessments at the local, state, and national levels?

Technology and Professional Development Issues

* What kinds of experiences do teachers need? What activities have been designed for teachers to help them learn how to use technology in the classroom?

* How can technology be used to address equity issues?

* How can technology be used to promote multidisciplinary instruction?

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